Three free resources to get started with EU AI Act

Three free resources to get started with EU AI Act

Three free resources to get started with EU AI Act

The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) is a proposed European Union regulation on artificial intelligence (AI) in the European Union. It aims to establish a common regulatory and legal framework for AI.

The law was passed in the European Parliament with an overwhelming majority on 13 March 2024, and awaits reading in the EU Council.

Here are three free resources for enterprises to get started with EU AI Act.

  1. CLaiRK Chat BETA

Navigating the EU AI Act can be quite difficult especially for those without a legal background. CLaiRK is the latest initiative of the Digital Policy Alert team, a neutral, non-profit organisation dedicated to increasing transparency of international trade and digital policies.

Users can use CLaiRK to access information related to this important legislation via a chat interface just like ChatGPT.

My own experience with CLaiRK has been very positive, while accuracy cannot be guaranteed, I found the answers to be quite grounded in truth. The UI also provides the source to the articles referenced in the chat and thus ensures transparency and verifiability of the information.

Access CLaiRK here.

  1. Process Map for Navigating the EU AI Act

The Applied AI Institute is the daughter concern of appliedAI Initiative GmbH and is at the forefront of research with the vision to be the open-access accelerator for the application of trustworthy AI.

Recently Applied AI Institute has released a process map for navigating the EU AI Act.

Almost like a cheat sheet, this resource provides an excellent overview of the steps enterprises need to undertake, in order to prepare for the implications of the EU AI Act. It outlines the step-by-step journey for AI system providers and deployers, detailing the applicable obligations, risk classification, and governance measures required to ensure compliance. The map aims to simplify the regulatory landscape and reduce uncertainty for those implementing AI systems in the EU.

Download the process map for free here.

  1. Step by Step Guide on Conformity Assessments

The step by step guide on conformity assessments, co-created by "Future for Privacy Forum" and OneTrust explains what a Conformity Assessment (CA) is under the proposed EU Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AIA or AIA) and provides a roadmap to execute one, understanding that nothing in this Guide amounts to legal advice.

CAs are a key and overarching accountability tool introduced by the AIA for high-risk AI systems and they are expected to play a significant role in the governance of AI in the EU.

In my opinion this guide serves as an essential resource for those who want to prepare for compliance with the EU AIA.

These are three resources I highly recommend utilising in order to prepare for the EU AI Artificial Intelligence Act, even though the EU AIA has still not reached a final agreement.

Ok. I'll cheat a bit and add a fourth resource that I just came across.

  1. The AI Act Explorer

Folks at who have painstakingly kept us up to date on the developments of the act, have now created a tool that helps explore the AI act in detail.

The most valuable thing about this tool are the recitals which provide context about how an article within the act should be interpreted or implemented.

AI governance will become more important as legislation around this technology gets tighter. If you wish to assess the maturity of your organisation, we offer a free maturity assessment tool that helps give a quick assessment and defines you as Seeker, Steward or Scaler.