Three tools to navigate the EU AI Act

Three tools to navigate the EU AI Act

Three tools to navigate the EU AI Act

February 05, 2024

February 05, 2024

February 05, 2024

The EU AI Act is 272 pages currently and is a complex piece of legislation. The official text can be downloaded from the European parliament website here.

However we at have found three tools which can make the process of analysing the act far more intuitive.

The AI Act Explorer

Folks at the Future of Life institute have created the AI Act Explorer which enables you to explore the contents of the proposed Act in an intuitive way, or search for parts that are most relevant to you. It contains the full final draft of the act as of 21st January 2024.

It allows you to slice and dice the contents of the act or simply perform a full text scan.


Switzerland based Digitial Policy Alert initiative is the world's first public and independent repository of policy changes affecting the digital economy.

CLaiRK is the latest initiative of the Digital Policy Alert team which allows user to not only query the EU AI Act with natural language, but also query it as a member of the general audience or the legal team.

EU AI Act Analyst GPT

The EU AI Act Analyst GPT can be accessed with a premium ChatGPT subscription and is capable of providing very customised guidance for your role or industry.

I asked the GPT the following

I'm the CEO of a small printing company, how should I prepare for compliance with the EU AI Act?

And it was able to provide me a somewhat satisfactory answer about measures I should undertake.

Word of Caution

While the tools presented in this blog post are very useful in aiding the understanding of the EU AI Act, its worth mentioning that advice provided by these tools should not be considered as professional advice.

If you wish assess the impact of the EU AI Act on your business, please contact us via the contact us form and we will be happy to help you.